Code can be found at industrial_training repository in gh_pages folder. Use kinetic branch.
Building a Simple PCL Interface for Python¶
In this exercise, we will fill in the appropriate pieces of code to build a perception pipeline. The end goal will be to create point cloud filtering operations to demonstrate functionality between ROS and python.
Prepare New Workspace:¶
We will create a new catkin workspace, since this exercise does not overlap with the previous PlanNScan exercises.
Disable automatic sourcing of your previous catkin workspace:
gedit ~/.bashrc
- comment out
the last line, sourcing your~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash
source /opt/ros/kinetic/setup.bash
Copy the template workspace layout and files:
cp -r ~/industrial_training/exercises/python-pcl_ws ~ cd ~/python-pcl_ws/
Initialize and Build this new workspace
catkin init catkin build
Source the workspace
source ~/python-pcl_ws/devel/setup.bash
Download the PointCloud file and place the file in your home directory (~).
Import the new workspace into your QTCreator IDE: In QTCreator: File -> New Project -> Import -> Import ROS Workspace -> ~/python-pcl_ws
Intro (Review Existing Code)¶
Most of the infrastructure for a ros node has already been completed for you; the focus of this exercise is the perception algorithms/pipleline. The CMakelists.txt and package.xml are complete and a source file has been provided. You could build the source as is, but you would get errors. At this time we will explore the source code that has been provided - browse the provided py_perception_node.cpp file. This tutorial has been modified from training Exercise 5.1 Building a Perception Pipeline and as such the C++ code has already been set up. If something does not make sense, revisit that exercise. Open up the preception_node.cpp file and look over the filtering functions.
Create a Python Package¶
Now that we have converted several filters to C++ functions, we are ready to call it from a Python node. If you have not done so already, install PyCharm, community edition. This IDE has the necessary parser for editing, without it, you will not be able to review any syntax issues in Qt.
In the terminal, change the directory to your src folder. Create a new package inside your python-pcl_ws:
cd ~/python-pcl_ws/src/ catkin_create_pkg filter_call rospy roscpp perception_msgs
Check that your package was created:
We will not be using ‘perception_msgs’ as we will not be creating custom messages in this course. It is included for further student knowledge. If you wish for a more in depth explanation including how to implement customer messages, here is a good MIT resource on the steps taken.
Open CMakeLists.txt. You can open the file in Pycharm or Qt (or you can use nano, emacs, vim, or sublime). Uncomment line 23, and save.
The file makes your python module available to the entire workspace and subsequent packages. By default, this isn’t created by the catkin_create_pkg command.
In your terminal type
gedit filter_call/
Copy and paste the following to the file (to paste into a terminal, Ctrl+Shift+V)
## ! DO NOT MANUALLY INVOKE THIS, USE CATKIN INSTEAD from distutils.core import setup from catkin_pkg.python_setup import generate_distutils_setup # fetch values from package.xml setup_args = generate_distutils_setup( packages=[''], package_dir={'': 'include'}, ) setup(**setup_args)
packages = [ . . . ],
to your list of strings of the name of the folders inside your include folder. By convention, this will be the same name as the package, orfilter_call
. The configuresfilter_call/include/filter_call
as a python module available to the whole workspace.Save and close the file.
In order for this folder to be accessed by any other python script, the
file must exist.Create one in the terminal by typing:
touch filter_call/include/filter_call/
Publishing the Point Cloud¶
As iterated before, we are creating a ROS C++ node to filter the point cloud when requested by a Python node running a service request for each filtering operation, resulting in a new, aggregated point cloud. Let’s start with modifying our C++ code to publish in a manner supportive to python. Remember, the C++ code is already done so all you need to do is write your python script and view the results in rviz.
Implement a Voxel Filter¶
In py_perception_node.cpp, uncomment the boolean function called
(just above``main``) which performs in the service. This will be the service used by the python client to run subsequent filtering operations.bool filterCallback(lesson_perception::FilterCloud::Request& request, lesson_perception::FilterCloud::Response& response) { pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::Ptr cloud (new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>); pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::Ptr filtered_cloud (new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>); if (request.pcdfilename.empty()) { pcl::fromROSMsg(request.input_cloud, *cloud); ROS_INFO_STREAM("cloud size: " << cloud->size()); } else { pcl::io::loadPCDFile(request.pcdfilename, *cloud); } if (cloud->empty()) { ROS_ERROR("input cloud empty"); response.success = false; return false; } switch (request.operation) { case lesson_perception::FilterCloud::Request::VOXELGRID : { filtered_cloud = voxelGrid(cloud, 0.01); break; } default : { ROS_ERROR("No valid request found"); return false; } } /* * SETUP RESPONSE */ pcl::toROSMsg(*filtered_cloud, response.output_cloud); response.output_cloud.header=request.input_cloud.header; response.output_cloud.header.frame_id="kinect_link"; response.success = true; return true; }
, uncomment line 240. Save and build.priv_nh_.param<double>("leaf_size", leaf_size_, 0.0f);
Now that we have the framework for the filtering, open your terminal. Make sure you are in the filter_call directory. Create a scripts folder.
mkdir scripts
If Pycharm is still open, save and close. We need to open Pycharm from the terminal to make sure it is sourced correctly for C++ node to be heard. To open, source to the pycharm install directory:
cd ~/pycharm-community-2018.1.3/bin ./
Once open, locate and right click on the folder scripts and create a new python file. Call it
Copy and paste the following code at the top of to import necessary libraries:
#!/usr/bin/env python import rospy import lesson_perception.srv from sensor_msgs.msg import PointCloud2
We will create an
statement to run our python node when this file is executed. Initalize as follows:if __name__ == '__main__': try: except Exception as e: print("Service call failed: %s" % str(e))
Include a
in thetry
block to look like the following:if __name__ == '__main__': try: rospy.spin() except Exception as e: print("Service call failed: %s" % str(e))
Copy and paste the following inside the
block:# ======================= # VOXEL GRID FILTER # ======================= srvp = rospy.ServiceProxy('filter_cloud', lesson_perception.srv.FilterCloud) req = lesson_perception.srv.FilterCloudRequest() req.pcdfilename = rospy.get_param('~pcdfilename', '') req.operation = lesson_perception.srv.FilterCloudRequest.VOXELGRID # FROM THE SERVICE, ASSIGN POINTS req.input_cloud = PointCloud2() # ERROR HANDLING if req.pcdfilename == '': raise Exception('No file parameter found') # PACKAGE THE FILTERED POINTCLOUD2 TO BE PUBLISHED res_voxel = srvp(req) print('response received') if not res_voxel.success: raise Exception('Unsuccessful voxel grid filter operation') # PUBLISH VOXEL FILTERED POINTCLOUD2 pub = rospy.Publisher('/perception_voxelGrid', PointCloud2, queue_size=1, latch=True) pub.publish(res_voxel.output_cloud) print("published: voxel grid filter response")
Paste the following lines above the
block (still within theif
statement) to initialize the python node and wait for the C++ node’s service.rospy.init_node('filter_cloud', anonymous=True) rospy.wait_for_service('filter_cloud')
We need to make the python file executable. In your terminal:
chmod +x filter_call/scripts/
Viewing Results¶
In your terminal, run
Source a new terminal and run the C++ filter service node
rosrun lesson_perception py_perception_node
Source a new terminal and run the python service caller node. Note your file path may be different.
rosrun filter_call _pcdfilename:="/home/ros-industrial/catkin_ws/table.pcd"
Source a new terminal and run rviz
rosrun rviz rviz
Add a new PointCloud2 in rviz
In global options, change the fixed frame to kinect_link, and in the PointCloud 2, select your topic to be ‘/perception_voxelGrid’
You may need to uncheck and recheck the PointCloud2.
Implement Pass-Through Filters¶
In py_perception_node.cpp in the
package, withinmain
, uncomment these two lines as well as their intilizations on lines 28 and 29.priv_nh_.param<double>("passThrough_max", passThrough_max_, 1.0f); priv_nh_.param<double>("passThrough_min", passThrough_min_, -1.0f);
Update the switch to look as shown below:
switch (request.operation) { case lesson_perception::FilterCloud::Request::VOXELGRID : { filtered_cloud = voxelGrid(cloud, 0.01); break; } case lesson_perception::FilterCloud::Request::PASSTHROUGH : { filtered_cloud = passThrough(cloud); break; } default : { ROS_ERROR("No valid request found"); return false; } }
Save and build
Edit the Python Code
Open the python node and copy paste the following code after the voxel grid, before the
. Keep care to maintain indents:# ======================= # PASSTHROUGH FILTER # ======================= srvp = rospy.ServiceProxy('filter_cloud', lesson_perception.srv.FilterCloud) req = lesson_perception.srv.FilterCloudRequest() req.pcdfilename = '' req.operation = lesson_perception.srv.FilterCloudRequest.PASSTHROUGH # FROM THE SERVICE, ASSIGN POINTS req.input_cloud = res_voxel.output_cloud # PACKAGE THE FILTERED POINTCLOUD2 TO BE PUBLISHED res_pass = srvp(req) print('response received') if not res_voxel.success: raise Exception('Unsuccessful pass through filter operation') # PUBLISH PASSTHROUGH FILTERED POINTCLOUD2 pub = rospy.Publisher('/perception_passThrough', PointCloud2, queue_size=1, latch=True) pub.publish(res_pass.output_cloud) print("published: pass through filter response")
Save and run from the terminal, repeating steps outlined for the voxel filter.
Within Rviz, compare PointCloud2 displays based on the
(original camera data) andperception_passThrough
(latest processing step) topics. Part of the original point cloud has been “clipped” out of the latest processing result.When you are satisfied with the pass-through filter results, press Ctrl+C to kill the node. There is no need to close or kill the other terminals/nodes.
Plane Segmentation¶
This method is one of the most useful for any application where the object is on a flat surface. In order to isolate the objects on a table, you perform a plane fit to the points, which finds the points which comprise the table, and then subtract those points so that you are left with only points corresponding to the object(s) above the table. This is the most complicated PCL method we will be using and it is actually a combination of two: the RANSAC segmentation model, and the extract indices tool. An in depth example can be found on the PCL Plane Model Segmentation Tutorial; otherwise you can copy the below code snippet.
In py_perception_node.cpp, in
, uncomment the code below as well as their respective intilization parameters.priv_nh_.param<double>("maxIterations", maxIterations_, 200.0f); priv_nh_.param<double>("distThreshold", distThreshold_, 0.01f);
Update the switch statement in
to look as shown below:switch (request.operation) { case lesson_perception::FilterCloud::Request::VOXELGRID : { filtered_cloud = voxelGrid(cloud, 0.01); break; } case lesson_perception::FilterCloud::Request::PASSTHROUGH : { filtered_cloud = passThrough(cloud); break; } case lesson_perception::FilterCloud::Request::PLANESEGMENTATION : { filtered_cloud = planeSegmentation(cloud); break; } default : { ROS_ERROR("No valid request found"); return false; } }
Save and build
Edit the Python Code
Copy paste the following code in, after the passthrough filter section. Keep care to maintain indents:
# ======================= # PLANE SEGMENTATION # ======================= srvp = rospy.ServiceProxy('filter_cloud', lesson_perception.srv.FilterCloud) req = lesson_perception.srv.FilterCloudRequest() req.pcdfilename = '' req.operation = lesson_perception.srv.FilterCloudRequest.PLANESEGMENTATION # FROM THE SERVICE, ASSIGN POINTS req.input_cloud = res_pass.output_cloud # PACKAGE THE FILTERED POINTCLOUD2 TO BE PUBLISHED res_seg = srvp(req) print('response received') if not res_voxel.success: raise Exception('Unsuccessful plane segmentation operation') # PUBLISH PLANESEGMENTATION FILTERED POINTCLOUD2 pub = rospy.Publisher('/perception_planeSegmentation', PointCloud2, queue_size=1, latch=True) pub.publish(res_seg.output_cloud) print("published: plane segmentation filter response")
Save and run from the terminal, repeating steps outlined for the voxel filter.
Within Rviz, compare PointCloud2 displays based on the
(original camera data) andperception_planeSegmentation
(latest processing step) topics. Only points lying above the table plane remain in the latest processing result.- When you are done viewing the results you can go back and change the ”setMaxIterations” and “setDistanceThreshold” parameter values to control how tightly the plane-fit classifies data as inliers/outliers, and view the results again. Try using values of
- When you are satisfied with the plane segmentation results, use Ctrl+C to kill the node. There is no need to close or kill the other terminals/nodes.
- When you are done viewing the results you can go back and change the ”setMaxIterations” and “setDistanceThreshold” parameter values to control how tightly the plane-fit classifies data as inliers/outliers, and view the results again. Try using values of
Euclidian Cluster Extraction¶
This method is useful for any application where there are multiple objects. This is also a complicated PCL method. An in depth example can be found on the PCL Euclidean Cluster Extration Tutorial.
In py_perception_node.cpp
uncomment the following plus their intilization parameters.priv_nh_.param<double>("clustTol", clustTol_, 0.01f); priv_nh_.param<double>("clustMax", clustMax_, 10000.0); priv_nh_.param<double>("clustMin", clustMin_, 300.0f);
Update the switch statement in
to look as shown below:switch (request.operation) { case lesson_perception::FilterCloud::Request::VOXELGRID : { filtered_cloud = voxelGrid(cloud, 0.01); break; } case lesson_perception::FilterCloud::Request::PASSTHROUGH : { filtered_cloud = passThrough(cloud); break; } case lesson_perception::FilterCloud::Request::PLANESEGMENTATION : { filtered_cloud = planeSegmentation(cloud); break; } case lesson_perception::FilterCloud::Request::CLUSTEREXTRACTION : { std::vector<pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::Ptr> temp =clusterExtraction(cloud); if (temp.size()>0) { filtered_cloud = temp[0]; } break; } default : { ROS_ERROR("No valid request found"); return false; } }
Save and build
Edit the Python Code
Copy paste the following code in after the plane segmentation section. Keep care to maintain indents:
# ======================= # CLUSTER EXTRACTION # ======================= srvp = rospy.ServiceProxy('filter_cloud', lesson_perception.srv.FilterCloud) req = lesson_perception.srv.FilterCloudRequest() req.pcdfilename = '' req.operation = lesson_perception.srv.FilterCloudRequest.CLUSTEREXTRACTION # FROM THE SERVICE, ASSIGN POINTS req.input_cloud = res_seg.output_cloud # PACKAGE THE FILTERED POINTCLOUD2 TO BE PUBLISHED res_cluster = srvp(req) print('response received') if not res_voxel.success: raise Exception('Unsuccessful cluster extraction operation') # PUBLISH CLUSTEREXTRACTION FILTERED POINTCLOUD2 pub = rospy.Publisher('/perception_clusterExtraction', PointCloud2, queue_size=1, latch=True) pub.publish(res_cluster.output_cloud) print("published: cluster extraction filter response")
Save and run from the terminal, repeating steps outlined for the voxel filter.
- When you are satisfied with the cluster extraction results, use Ctrl+C to kill the node. If you are done experimenting with this tutorial, you can kill the nodes running in the other terminals.
Future Study¶
The student is encouraged to convert Exercise 5.1 into callable functions and further refine the filtering operations.
Furthermore, for simplicity, the python code was repeated for each filtering instance. The student is encouraged to create a loop to handle the publishing instead of repeating large chunks of code. The student can also leverage the full functionality of the parameter handling instead of just using defaults, can set those from python. There are several more filtering operations not outlined here, if the student wants practice creating those function calls.